Policy : The Campus Telephone

Organization : YOMA Group Policy number : 005
Sponsor: Melvyn Pun
Contact : Martin Appel
e-mail : martinappel@yomastrategic.com
Effective Date : 1 November 2018


Communication is a vital part of the Group’s work environment and is instrumental when conducting our daily business. The purpose of the Campus Telephone Policy is to provide a framework for the provision of telephony service. 

There are three primary telephony services available to employees at the Campus. 

  1. Facebook Workplace Chat 
  2. Cisco VoIP phones
  3. Mobile

Employees are encouraged to use Facebook workplace chat for internal communications purposes. There are voice and video calling capabilities that should cover all internal telephony needs. 

Cisco VoIP phones are reserved for those who require long distance calling capabilities. That means that most phones on the Campus will be removed and reassigned as requested and approved by Managers. Cisco phones will be placed in meeting rooms for all to use as needed. 

Employees currently eligible for mobile phone allowance benefits will be switched to a Telenor Postpaid Package Plan to continue getting allowance benefits in future. This replaces all current phone allowance benefits. 

Job Position Telenor Post Paid Cisco Landline
Exco members iBiz A Yes
Managers iBiz B Only if frequent international calls are required, based on approval
Other eligible Staff below Manager iBiz C Only if frequent international calls are required, based on approval
iBiz C Ibiz B ibiz A
Voice calling within the Group Free
Voice calling (Telenor to Telenor) Unlimited
Voice calling (all other networks) Unlimited
Data 2.5 GB 5.0 GB 12.5 GB
SMS – within the Group Unlimited
SMS – outside the Group Unlimited
International voice calling N/A 50 mins Free*
Roaming Data N/A N/A N/A